Privacy & terms

Privacy policy

This privacy policy is here to describe how we store and process data collected from the Roadlifer app and website. Here, you can find information about how it is stored, how long it will be stored and similar.

1. Who is Roadlifer?

Roadlifer is a Norwegian company. Organization number 998448107 MVA.

2. Data storing and collecting

By utilizing the Roadlifer app and website, you might need to provide us with information that could personally identify you and be considered personal data.

Roadlifer decides the goals and methods for handling data according to the General Data Protection Regulation. All data processing adheres to principles such as minimizing data collection, transparency, and limiting how long data is kept.

When your data is collected, you will be told which parts are required and which are optional. Any data marked with an asterisk (*) on the collection form is mandatory. Not providing this data may limit your ability to use the site.

User account

Data collected

E-mail address, username, profile picture, device id

Legal purpose

E-mail address is collected to identify users and verify that they are valid. The device id is used for sending push notifications.

Retention time

As long as the user has an account on Roadlifer, and up to 1 year after any inactivity on the users account.

Contact requests

Data collected

E-mail address

Legal purpose

The e-mail address is used to respond to any contact requests.

Retention time

Up to 2 years after the user submitted the contact form.

Users geo localisation

Data collected

Geographical position

Legal purpose

The data is not stored anywhere on our servers, just used for getting data from the selected location.

Retention time

The data is not stored.

3. Data location

Our servers are located in a data center in Frankfurt, Germany. We do not transfer data directly to the outside of EU (European Union).

4. Personal data security

Roadlifer takes appropriate measures to safeguard your data by implementing robust technical and organizational security practices. These measures include data encryption to ensure your information's availability, confidentiality, and integrity.

Moreover, it's crucial for you to keep your login credentials secure to avoid unauthorized access to your online account. Your data will only be shared with authorized personnel who have a legitimate need to access the information.

5. Your Rights

You have the right to:

- Access your personal data in a clear and understandable format.

- Request corrections if your data is incomplete or incorrect.

- Request the deletion of your data under certain conditions, though we may deny your request if there are legal or legitimate reasons.

- Request the transfer of your data in a clear and comprehensive format that you provided to us.

- Object to the processing of your personal data for legitimate reasons, with the possibility of denial under specific circumstances.

- Decide how your data should be handled in the event of your death.

If you want to exercise any of these rights, please email us at We may need to verify your identity, and we will address your request within 30 days, or 60 days if the matter is complex.

You can also delete your user and user data by going to your profile, and click "Edit". This action can not be reverted.

6. Privacy policy updates

The privacy policy is periodically revised to reflect any changes in the company's data processing practices. When updates occur, we will modify the date of the last update. We recommend that you check this webpage regularly to stay informed about any changes to the privacy policy.

Terms of use

The expression “TERMS” refers to our “Terms of use” in this document. The expression “WEBSITE” refers to the Roadlifer app for iOS and Android. The expression Company refers to the people who has created the WEBSITE. The expression “BACKEND” refers to the server handling all the traffic and requests from the users in the WEBSITE. The expression “USER” refers to any user of the WEBSITE, it may also refer to any one attempting to access or have access the WEBSITE or the BACKEND.

This privacy policy and terms of use are intented to to protect the use of the app, content and functionality.

1. Condition of use

Users are required to comply with the “TERMS” when using the WEBSITE. If a user disagrees with any part of the terms and conditions, they should refrain from using the WEBSITE. A general rule is that you need to be at least 18 years of age to create an account for the WEBSITE.

2. Obligations of the user

By utilizing the WEBSITE, particularly when posting notices, the USER agrees not to upload, input, or publish any content that is inappropriate, offensive, illegal, or that may infringe upon the rights, harm, or threaten the safety of any individual.

The USER is solely responsible for the information and content provided to the WEBSITE. The User affirms the accuracy of this information and content and commits to keeping it up to date.

The USER must not disrupt or damage the proper operation of the WEBSITE. Additionally, the USER agrees not to exploit vulnerabilities, bugs, or other errors to gain unfair advantages in the use of the WEBSITE and/or BACKEND.

3. Access to the WEBSITE

The WEBSITE provides the USER with free, non-exclusive access to the WEBSITE for individual use, allowing the consultation of information available there. Additionally, the WEBSITE offers access to paid services provided by either itself or regulated professionals whom the WEBSITE connects the USER with, in areas where those services fall under their respective legal monopolies.

USERS registered on the WEBSITE can log in using their specified email address and password to access the WEBSITE, or use services like Google and Facebook. USERS must take responsibility for safeguarding their chosen password and are advised to use complex, secure passwords. If a password is forgotten, USERS may generate a new one. This password ensures the confidentiality of information in the "my account" section, and users are prohibited from sharing it with others. The WEBSITE publisher cannot be held accountable for unauthorized access to a USER’s account due to password sharing.

The COMPANY reserves the right to delete the account of any USER who has violated these terms of use, such as providing false information during registration or account creation, or any account that has been inactive for 1 year or more. This account deletion is not grounds for the excluded USER to claim any type of compensation. Additionally, this exclusion does not preclude the possibility of legal action against the USER when warranted by the situation.

4. Responsibility

The COMPANY is not liable for any direct or indirect harm to the USER resulting from accessing or attempting to access the WEBSITE, consulting the WEBSITE, or relying on any information derived from the WEBSITE whether directly or indirectly. This includes damage to the USER equipment during access.

Additionally, the COMPANY has no control over third-party websites and is not responsible for the accuracy or integrity of the information contained on these sites, which may be accessed by USERS through hyperlinks provided on the WEBSITE.

The COMPANY is also not responsible for errors, lack of information availability, or the presence of computer viruses.

5. Intellectual property

The COMPANY owns the WEBSITE and all of its content, except for content clearly identified as belonging to third parties. Since the COMPANY owns the content, places and similar that the USERS has added, will not be deleted if a USER decides to close their account.

All texts, images, videos, sounds, photographs, trademarks, and software presented on the WEBSITE are either owned by the COMPANY or may be used freely due to the absence of copyright restrictions or because the COMPANY has obtained a usage license. The COMPANY does not grant any licenses regarding the WEBSITE or its content.

Any unauthorized reproduction of this WEBSITE or its content, either partially or fully, without the express prior consent of the COMPANY.

The same restrictions apply to any databases on the WEBSITE, which are protected under the provisions of the Law of 1 July 1998, transposing the Directive of 11 March 1996 into the Intellectual Property Code regarding the legal protection of databases, of which the COMPANY or the designated rights holders are the producers.

Short quotations must include the document’s title, author’s name, and any other references from the WEBSITE.

USERS may not create hypertext links to the WEBSITE, its pages, or files without the explicit authorization of the COMPANY.

6. Updates

The COMPANY reserves the right to modify these terms of use at any time, and without any prior notice. The USERS of the WEBSITE is responsible for checking and reading these terms of use.

7. Contact

If you have any questions about the content of these terms of use or similar, you can contact the COMPANY by sending an e-mail to

Last updated 20.05.2024